Custom website
A website your clients will trust
One-time payment, installment plans available
✓Timeline: 2-4 weeks
✓Up to 10 pages
✓ 2 rounds of revisions
✓Social media integration
✓Mobile responsive
✓SEO best practices
Hourly work
Quick help on-demand, at your convenience
Per hour
✓Website audit and advice
✓Add, edit, or remove pages
✓Update colors, images, or text
✓Fix broken functionality
✓Improve SEO and mobile responsiveness
✓1:1 help on how to edit your website
Add-on services
Logo and branding
Get consistency between your website, social media, and marketing materials
One-time payment
✓Custom logo design
✓Brand color palette and typography
✓Brand Kit for you or graphic designers to use in the future
Shop and payments
Everything you need to set up your online shop and accept payments
One-time payment
✓Integrate with Shopify, Square, or Stripe to let customers shop on your website
✓Accept multiple forms of payment
✓Update/ add items without editing the site
Website maintenance
Never worry about the upkeep of your website again
✓Unlimited technical support
✓Manage domain and hosting
✓Security, plugin, PHP, and WordPress updates
✓Up to 1 hour per month of edits/changes